Sunday, 30 December 2007

New Year's Resolution #1

1. I resolve to mail out all the stuff I should have in 2007.

a) one digereedo I bought in Australia for an Army friend I worked with in Afghanistan. I'm sure he's given up on it. I have his address, that's not it. I work for the Post Office, but have to go to another facility to mail things. I carried this four foot long thing all the way home, checked it through the fragile baggage sections (with skiis and stuff), and lugged it home. Next Monday... for sure.
b) one shot glass from Mexico for a mate on PalTalk in Indiana. Same excuse as a).
c) one ginger and blue fright wig for my mate who will wear it to the Cricket in New Zealand.
d) my 2007 Christmas cards... will date for 2008, so just think of them as very, very early.


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