Monday, 10 November 2008

My first attempt to beat the cooking Credit Crunch

(well, sort of...)

An earlier post gave a recipe I found for Beef Stew, which claimed a total cost of under $5.00 (under 3 quid). It had the least amount of ingredients, and being a simple person, seemed simple enough for me.

I doubled the recipe, as my goal was to fill freezer containers for later dinners, so here is the actual price breakdown.

Fred Meyers store 7 Nov 2008

Stew beef- approx 1.5 lbs $5.50
Carrots 4 really long ones 1.28
2 cans tomatoes 1.06
1 sm bag frozen green beans .99
1 onion (lg, used 1/2) .90
2 lg baking potatoes .95

Bag of rolls from discount cart .79
(used only one per meal)
Total $11.47

Not bad!! Besides getting 6 x 1-cup freezer containers filled and in the freezer, I had 3 more meals with what was left in the pot.

Side notes:
-Added 2 boullion cubes to the mix
-Used part of the onion to cook when braising the beef cubes before adding the rest of the meeting.
-I already had a jar of chopped garlic, and used a healthy tablespoon to the braising step also.
-Added about 4 cups of water, enough to cover all the vegetables, then used corn starch towards the end to thicken.
-Used the entire bag (16oz) of green beans, which probably brought the cost up by .50.
-Very important to salt and pepper to taste, I added a tablespoon of powdered curry just for fun. If I'd had it, I might have added cooking sherry, or worchester sauce.

A nice touch might be to get some bread bowls, hollow them out, and serve hot in the bread!

I'm very pleased with the results!!!

Sunday, 9 November 2008

My Podcast Debut

I had the great privelege of appearing "live" via SKYPE on my very fist Podcast on 27 October 2008.

The ERKPOD is actually several podcasts, origiating from Sydney, Australia. Hosted by Erk (of course), Drue, Squeak, Leigh "The Voice-over Guy" and various friends, the feeds including Erkpod Round Table, they also produce the Erkpod Mini, Maxi, NAPODPOMO (National Podcast Post Month), and Echo Romeo Kilo One One. They vary in length, with the Round Tables lasting several hours, but the feed is broken up in one hour increments.

I was involved in Round Table Ten (ERKPOD 151-154) which included emminent podcasters and storytelling authors Tee Morris and Pip Ballantine. (Full disclosure: I own two of Tee's books, and one of Pips, but I'll try not to let that influence me!!)

I just happened to be paying attention to my Twitter, and @druey and @erkpod sent out
tweets announcing a live recording available for viewing on their site (via After Tee and Pip (may I be presumptious enough to call them that?) I was invited to join the round table via Skype. OMG...

Now, I have no idea how many subscribers they have, but as far as I was concerned, it could be 10 or 10000. They are a group of friends who meet on a regular basis, and just talk about stuff. There are no show notes, until afterwards (corrected post), and digression is not only allowed but encouraged.

To say my 15 minutes of fame was a blast is an understatement, and I was invited to be involved in the November Round Table. You can bet I'll move mountains to be there, even if I have to take a nap (yeah, I'm not too proud to admit they are a good thing) and be awake at Aussie time!

Follow the gang on Twitter:

Join the Erk Pod Group on Facebook where these wonderful young men have appointed me (yes! me!) as the Idaho Correspondent!!

27 Oct Round Table 10 (episodes 150 - 153) Show Notes

By Erk
Categories: Comedy, Drue, EP Bunny, Erk Pod Maxi & Round Table, Erk Pod Shop, General, Haiku of Frustration, Interweb, Leigh the Voice Over Guy, NaPodPoMo2008, News, Orange Tim, Other Podcasts, Podcasting - General, Round Table, Show Notes, Squeak, TV, Twitter, Video, You Tube and humour



Erk Pod Round Table 10 (incorporating episode 150) was recorded on Saturday 25 October (Sydney time) at the Erk Pod Studio.


In the Erk Pod studio was:

Erk (host)
Drue (co-host)
Orange Tim
Leigh the Voice Over Guy
Squeak (on floor)
Joining in via Skype at various stages were:

Richard from the Wasting Time podcast
Stephen from the Tea & Chat podcast
Podcasters and authors Tee and Pip making their return after Round Table 7
Shawno & Jen from the Hyper Nonsense podcast
Tim from the Some Guys in a Car podcast
Jim from the UK (who made the excellent comments for Erk Pod 146)
Tiggr, creator of the Tiggrz Travels blog
Grizzly (host of the Grizzly Growls podcast) from a bar in Wisconsin
Most music is courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network

Monday, 3 November 2008

My Second Attempt Will Be:

Both @Shayna and @renee_daniels suggested the 5DollarDinners website, so I grabbed this as my second attempt.

Beef Stew

Stew Beef ($2.25)
Can petite tomatoes ($.59)
3 carrots, peeled and chopped ($.35 )
4 potatoes, washed and chopped ($.60)
1/2 cup frozen green beans ($.25)
2 cloves garlic, crushed ($.10)
Rolls ($.79)

1. Put all ingredients in pot. Let simmer however long you like!!!
2. Enjoy with warm rolls!

Cost $4.95

Seems too easy, so it's perfect for me!!

First Credit Crunch recipe experiment

My thanks to @CarrieP for this submission!!!

Cargo Bay rice and beans from

Large saucepan with lid
Wet and dry measuring cups

1 cup dried, split lentils, any color
1 cup instant brown rice
16 oz can black beans
3 cups chicken stock
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
1-4 Tablespoons curry powder, or to taste
salt and pepper to taste

Put rice and lentils in a pot with a tight-fitting lid. Add coconut milk and brown sugar to rice and lentils. Add the black beans, including the liquid in the can. Add 2 cups of the stock to the pot. Add curry powder, salt and pepper. Heat to boiling, uncovered, sirring often. Once the mixture reaches a boil, cover, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add a little bit more chicken stock if mixture starts to get too dry.

Uncover pot, add tomatoes and liquid. Cook for 15 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Taste and add more salt or curry powder if needed.

This is going to be my first attempt in the goal of filling my freezer... Since I'm cooking for one, it will take lots of freezer containers, I hope, lol

Fighting off the Credit Crunch

Here is an audience participation post.

In these "credit crunching days", many people are having to cut back. However, you can only turn off so many lights, cut back so many miles driven, stop drinking quite so much, and who can do without their telephone or Internet? (Well, certainly not me...)

One place we are probably all guilty of splurging is food. Let's face it, we make a resolution to eat at home more, but still our grocery bills seem to get higher and higher. This is resulting in some very creative, "CC" meals. What have YOU done to reduce your grocery cost without sacrificing flavor or nutrition?

I'd like to know what you are making for your family (or having if you are not the cook) to fight inflation. What is your favorite budget meal? I want recipes!!! I want shopping lists!!
Here are the guidelines:

1. Easy to prepare (under 30 min is good, but not required)

2. Low in cost

3. Fairly nutritious

4. Easily freezable for leftovers or use in another meal

Think you can handle this?

Post your responses in the comments section. If you are not using a meal of your own, link to the appropriate page for credit to them.

I'd like to fill my freezer for those dark winter nights when I'm too flippin lazy to cook (as opposed to now, when I just don't want to, lol)

I'm looking forward to submissions!!

Nine Inch Nails

I got on a mailing list from NIN (Nine Inch Nails) after I took advantage of an offer for a free download of their latest EP. If I had that link, I'd put it in here. So, consequently, I get, from time to time, emails from them about upcoming concerts and other news.

Today, I got an email about tomorrows election. I was expecting an endorsement, and I probably assumed to know who they would endorse, but I was surprised.

The email was simply an appeal to participate in our democratic (small "D") system which we cherish. It was simple and to the point, so I'm re-posting it here:

date Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 9:15 PM
subject *Important* Regarding Tuesday's Election
9:15 PM (11 hours ago)


Next Tuesday we will elect the next President of the United States. The result will have great consequences for the nation.

This election offers a choice is between two men with dramatically different visions of the future. We have strong feelings about this choice. But we feel even more strongly that all Americans, regardless of political preference, have a stake in the outcome and should vote in this critical election.

This is likely to be a close election. Your vote matters. Please use it and make a difference.

Trent Reznor

Thank you for listening.