Wow! It worked. Ooooooooooh I can get more creative on the next post.
Right, I said this post would be about me, so I'll try and not bore you silly. True or False:
1. This is really what I look like.
2. I have a beautiful grandson.
3. I have been around the world several times due to the generosity of my government.
4. I have a framed poster of the most poisonous snakes and spiders of Australia on one wall.
5. I have two grown sons.
6. I support the Portsmouth Football Club
7. I'm an anglophile and can trace at least one branch to each of the four countries of Great Britian.
8. I have had both haggis and black pudding without gagging.
9. I live within one mile of the blue Smurf Turf.
10. I work for the CIA
answers on a postcard to address below:
hint: which two are false??
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