Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Picture Quiz Week 2 (Part 1)

Here is part one of the second Picture Quiz. Answer the questions below each picture and either email, PM, DM or otherwise send your guesses to me (preferably all at the same time).

This may require research, guessing, or fabricating an answer.


1. Who is this person

2. What sport did/does he play

3. During what sporting match did he retire?


This is one of the most photographed building in Idaho (ok, that's a hint).

1. What is it?

2. What city is it in?


1. What is this famous landmark?

2. What National Park is it in?

3. What State is it in?


This was taken at the Hyde Park Stree Faire.

1. What city is it held in?

2. What are the dates of this years event?


This is very recognizable... but...

1. What is it called?

2. What is it nearby? (I'll take the closest train station, or the island it is near)

3. What country is it in?

4. What happens when the tide is out?

Good luck! See Picture Quiz 2 (Part 2) for Pictures 6-10

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