Monday, 16 March 2009

What is this quiz #1-Edited with answers

Heres how this works....
I will be posting photographs from my world travels, along with a series of questions to answer. Correct replies of each question receive one point each. Highest number of points at the end of 10 pictures will receive a prize from my goody box of souveniers from somewhere... it could be a pashmina from India (via Afghanistan), or a mini-camel from Egypt, or a stubbie from Australia (or something else I find!!).

Winners will be notified by email and as a comment in the "Quiz Winner" post.

Good Luck!!

Picture #1

1. What is this? A gravity based, ball maze which fascinates people who watch it...
 (I was going to be very lenient on this one)

2. Where is this? The courtyard at the Santa Barbara, CA airport

Good luck...

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