Saturday, 4 October 2008

Attention OIF/OEF Veterans

As you can see from my website here, I am a veteran who has deployed to various places around the world, including Kuwait, Qatar, Afghanistan and Kyrgystan. I support all coalition troops, and will pass on good news and the like when I get it.

I received the following notice through official channels, and have signed up for future notifications myself (age appropriate, can't see myself rock climbing anymore).

The best part is that ALL expenses including round trip transportation are included in this!!!!

Fully Paid Outward Bound Wilderness Excursions for OEF/OIF Veterans (POCe-mail and phone numbers listed at the end of paragraph)
Outward Bound, an international non-profit outdoor educationprogram, is offering fully funded outdoor adventure excursions to all OEF/OIF veterans. It doesn't matter what your current military status is (active, inactive, discharged, retired) - you're eligible to attend as long as you deployed in support of OEF/OIF combat operations while in the military. These five-day excursions offer adventure activities such as backpacking, rock climbing, canyoneering, canoeing, and dog sledding in beautiful wilderness areas in Maine, Texas, Colorado, California, and Minnesota. Scheduled courses from Sep 08-Feb 09 are listed below, and future courses will be scheduled soon. All expedition costs for lodging, equipment, food, and instruction are completely funded by a multi-million dollar Sierra Club grant, including the participants'round-trip transportation between home and the wilderness site. The excursion is offered at no cost to the participant. To sign up for one of the prescheduled courses, please contact Doug Hayward at 1-866-669-2362, ext. 8387, or simply e-mail him To learn more about the OEF/OIF program, visit the website at> . You can alsocontact two of our retired Judge Advocates, Joe and Amy Frisk, who areworking for Outward Bound on this incredible program, or at (303) 968-4420.

If you have the opportunity to participate in one of these adventures, be sure to let others know, leave a comment about this or other tributes to the troops, whatever country is offering them, and I'll be sure to post them all

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