Tuesday, 23 September 2014

From Bubblews to Blog- The Historic Dockyards in Portsmouth England

Good morning!!
This is an expansion of a posting from Bubblews.
You should get a better view of the pictures than on the bubble post.
If you have found this post through Bubblews, please let me know in the comments. 
Continuing my travelogue, I found some of my pictures from my first trip to Portsmouth, England. Portsmouth is on the south coast about 70 miles west of London. It is on the Solent river, and across the river is the Isle of Wight. On the other side of that is France, and you can catch auto ferries to France and hovercrafts to the IOW. Portsmouth, or Pompey as it’s called by her friends, is the home of the Royal Navy and the Portsmouth Football Club. 
There are quite a few museums and historical places to visit in Portsmouth, but this is the first about the Historic Dockyards. There are several exhibits and attractions within the Dockyards.
The short version:
     The Mary Rose Museum
     HMS Victory
     HMS Warrior 1860
     HMS Alliance
     National Museum Royal Navy Portsmouth
     Action Stations
     Harbour Tours

The photo above is a carved figurehead of Lord Nelson (if I remember correctly) and the ship below him is his vessel the HMS Victory.
“HMS Victory is the Royal Navy's most famous warship. Best known for her role in the Battle of Trafalgar, the Victory currently has a dual role as the Flagship of the First Sea Lord and as a living museum to the Georgian Navy.
Come visit HMS Victory and experience...
  • The Great Cabin, where the Battle of Trafalgar was planned.
  • The spot where Nelson died.
  • The once crowded decks where over 800 men lived, worked and fought.
It is a great guided tour of the ship which is in dry dock for preservation purposes.

“ HMS Victory is currently undergoing a period of restoration and visitors have the unique opportunity to witness the process taking place on the oldest commissioned warship in the world and a proud memorial to Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson, Britain's greatest Naval hero and his stunning victory at the Battle of Trafalgar.
Her topmasts and rigging have been struck, or taken down, and her planking is under investigation. This is nothing unusual as wooden ships like Victory needed constant care and attention from the day they were launched. These repairs are simply the latest in a long tradition of regular upkeep.
The last time HMS Victory was seen without her top masts was back in 1944, so this really is a once in a life time opportunity to see HMS Victory under-going such extreme maintenance. Interestingly, with her topmasts down, Victory will look much as she did after the Battle of Trafalgar when she had to be towed to Gibraltar for repairs." 

It is well worth the time and entrance fee to visit the Historic Dockyards and experience the Royal Navy of yore…

Original Content: @Tiggr ©2014
Photo Credit: &T!GGR

All content in quotation marks from the official website of the dockyard.

I will post more photos of the Dockyard in it's own post.

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