Tuesday, 11 September 2012
September 11th
Today is the anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks by hijacked airplanes. 11 years have gone by and though Facebook has many pictures posted of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and even a few from the Pennsylvania site, this simple video from Budweiser captures the simplicity of our grief.
The following Budweiser commercial was made after 9/11. It was aired only once so as not to benefit financially from it. It's a lovely tribute acknowledging the event.
So, while we remember the several thousand killed in New York City, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, remember how we all felt on September 12th. Remember the feeling of unity and patriotism that spread across the nation. Remember the flags which were waving everywhere we looked. No one asked which party was at fault, if any, we all pulled together to heal. On the anniversary of that day, remember September 11, 2001, but BE the person you were on September 12th.
New York City,
Pentagon attack,
World Trade Center
Monday, 13 August 2012
A Father's Love
As someone who has had several babies come into my life this year, more than any year since 1977, this tugs at my heartstrings with a vengeance. If you decide you want a copy of this, please buy it from his link rather than iTunes, so more of it goes to Noah's care.
Be sure to have two hankies before you watch this.
From the YouTube page:
Dear Friends and Supporters, on July 5th, 2012, my 11-month-old son, Noah, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Please consider making a donation of support, as well as helping spread this link. The proceeds from your donation will go towards getting Noah the best care possible, as well as helping keep our family afloat while we focus on little Noah's treatment and comfort. Anyone who donates will receive a downloadable mp3 version of this rendition. Here is the link:
On Twitter, please include the hashtag #letitbefornoah.
A special thanks to Jesse, and everyone else at Cover Cows, for suggesting I record a charity song for Noah, as well as offering to waive any of their proceeds from the donations received. Thanks also to Cover Cows for handling the licensing with the Beatles' publisher, securing permission for us to make my rendition available on their site and iTunes. And thanks to Jeff Hall for letting me borrow his video camera (identical to mine), so I could shoot the performance from two angles at once.
My rendition of this song was recently the #1 single on iTunes in the Netherlands. Thank you SO MUCH, Holland!
And thanks to all of you so much for your friendship, generosity, support and efforts to help spread Noah's story.
Here are some links to some of the local, national and international media coverage of Noah and this video:
P.S. If you prefer, you can also buy this song from iTunes (with Apple taking 30% of the purchase price, as is their policy). Here's the iTunes link:
Dear Friends and Supporters, on July 5th, 2012, my 11-month-old son, Noah, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Please consider making a donation of support, as well as helping spread this link. The proceeds from your donation will go towards getting Noah the best care possible, as well as helping keep our family afloat while we focus on little Noah's treatment and comfort. Anyone who donates will receive a downloadable mp3 version of this rendition. Here is the link:
On Twitter, please include the hashtag #letitbefornoah.
A special thanks to Jesse, and everyone else at Cover Cows, for suggesting I record a charity song for Noah, as well as offering to waive any of their proceeds from the donations received. Thanks also to Cover Cows for handling the licensing with the Beatles' publisher, securing permission for us to make my rendition available on their site and iTunes. And thanks to Jeff Hall for letting me borrow his video camera (identical to mine), so I could shoot the performance from two angles at once.
My rendition of this song was recently the #1 single on iTunes in the Netherlands. Thank you SO MUCH, Holland!
And thanks to all of you so much for your friendship, generosity, support and efforts to help spread Noah's story.
Here are some links to some of the local, national and international media coverage of Noah and this video:
P.S. If you prefer, you can also buy this song from iTunes (with Apple taking 30% of the purchase price, as is their policy). Here's the iTunes link:
brain tumor,
Dad covers Beatles,
Mike Masse,
Monday, 6 August 2012
This morning I posted the following to my Facebook page. I hadn't had my coffee yet, lol... It got quite a lot of comments from my British friends, most of whom I know "in real life". Enjoy. Comment if you like!
The "Trending Ariticle" I get to see first thing this morning is titled "Boring Olympic Opening Ceremony Should Bar London From Hosting For 68 More Years" from the Washington Post Social Reader. I'm sorry, no I'm not, but I won't dignify it with a click to read how some snooty DC reporter who is too young to know about, let alone remember, our over 400 year history with Great Britain. The ceremo
nies were thoughtful, colorful (or colourful, lol), educational and above all, showed the diversity of the four countries which make Great Britain... great.
Just because YOU, dear reporter, didn't know who all the people were, as I didn't, there is this great invention called GOOGLE and WIKIPEDIA where you can be educated without leaving the comfort of your cubicle for this other place called a LIBRARY.
I watched the ceremonies not on NBC, but the BBC, so I got it without commercial interruption, without sections cut out "for time allowances", and without the inane comments by "professional" hosts getting paid more for their coverage than I make in a year.
Please excuse the air quotes.
Oh, and I haven't had my coffee yet, can you tell?? Will you even read this far?? Bwuaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha!!!
Just because YOU, dear reporter, didn't know who all the people were, as I didn't, there is this great invention called GOOGLE and WIKIPEDIA where you can be educated without leaving the comfort of your cubicle for this other place called a LIBRARY.
I watched the ceremonies not on NBC, but the BBC, so I got it without commercial interruption, without sections cut out "for time allowances", and without the inane comments by "professional" hosts getting paid more for their coverage than I make in a year.
Please excuse the air quotes.
Oh, and I haven't had my coffee yet, can you tell?? Will you even read this far?? Bwuaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha!!!
Thursday, 26 July 2012
If I had a magic wand...
I would be in this video
Since I'm not, I'm heading up to the Sun Valley/Ketchum area to shop for my first Scottevest items which I will be taking on my 11 day trip in October. Scottevest is carried only at one location, Silver Creek Outfitters, three hours away, but it's hot out, but it'll be cooler up in the Sawtooth Mountains.
I'm not an easy person to fit, so I'm going to try the Scottevest items on to see which size they say I am.
I'm going to try and not carry anything on the plane but my purse, and if you've listened to my podcast, you know that I don't travel gadget free, lol.
Full disclosure. I have no sponsors. Anything I review on here or on my podcast (Boise and Beyond Podcast) is paid for out of my own pocket, good and bad alike.
But if I did have a sponsor...
Since I'm not, I'm heading up to the Sun Valley/Ketchum area to shop for my first Scottevest items which I will be taking on my 11 day trip in October. Scottevest is carried only at one location, Silver Creek Outfitters, three hours away, but it's hot out, but it'll be cooler up in the Sawtooth Mountains.
I'm not an easy person to fit, so I'm going to try the Scottevest items on to see which size they say I am.
I'm going to try and not carry anything on the plane but my purse, and if you've listened to my podcast, you know that I don't travel gadget free, lol.
Full disclosure. I have no sponsors. Anything I review on here or on my podcast (Boise and Beyond Podcast) is paid for out of my own pocket, good and bad alike.
But if I did have a sponsor...
Sun Valley,
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Volunteering around the world
I've been looking at various organizations which offer volunteer opportunities around the world. From teaching English to helping in orphanages, there is a huge variety of volunteer programs out there. As I approach my retirement years, I'm trying to find different ways to see the world.
Have you ever volunteered outside your local area?
Leave a message and tell me about it. Include a link or the website to the organization.
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Have you got what it takes?
Do you dream of being a professional soccer player?
Believe In Destiny...
The Anaheim Bolts are a proud member of the Anaheim Professional Sports community. The last time professional indoor soccer called Anaheim home was in 1997 with the now defunct Anaheim Splash.
Pro Indoor Soccer Has Returned!

"Believe in Destiny"
“Believe in Destiny” is a phrase that has been created from the founding members of the Bolts organization and will be engulfed in all initiatives of the organization.
Believe is to have the belief in something or someone.
All members of the Bolts organization believe in this organization and all of its endeavors. From the ownership group to the players, we have a belief in this organization. Every person that is hired must believe in the organization and will do their part with this belief.
The Bolts organization will be a high energy machine that operates at full voltage all the time. As an organization we are doing everything possible to make the Bolts a success for ourselves, but also for the city of Anaheim and surrounding communities.
With all beliefs you must have something to believe in. In our organization it is Destiny.
Destiny has brought us all here and brought the Bolts to Anaheim. Destiny is difficult to explain, but when destiny aligns things in a manner that can be explained, then you know it is right. Destiny has a tough way of letting you know if what you are doing is right, but in the case of the Anaheim Bolts it couldn’t be more right!
Anaheim Bolts,
Indoor Soccer,
Pro Indoor Soccer,
Monday, 9 July 2012
Beach Buoys of the Isle of Wight
Meet Simon Ledger.
Among other things, Simon is a very talented singer, pianist and comedian who lives on the Isle of Wight.
Simon survived a bit of trouble last year, when he was arrested on charges of racism after a Asian couple complained to police after walking by the outdoor pub at which Simon was performing. After breaking into the hit "Kung Fu Fighting", the couple called the police complaining that Simon only started the song after seeing them walk by, clearly making fun of them. Fortunately, Simon could prove that the song was a regular part of his set, that he'd played it many times before, and he was not racist.
To bring a little reality (and levity) to the whole situation... Simon was joined in a video presentation of his performance by the original singer of this cult tune, Carl Douglas... all filmed in (of all places) a Chinese restaurant. Try proving racism now, sucka!! (oh my, did I write that?)
All this blather is leading up to the part where I tell you that this only proves the point that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Several months after the whole Kung phooey incident, Simon gathered over 20 of his friends and family in a recording studio on the Isle of Wight ( an island just off the Hampshire coast) and recorded their own version of the mega-hit "We Are The World". Why? Charity. To raise money for the Isle of Wight hospice.
Nice, Simon. According to Skinny Mammoth studios " The song reached number 28 in the download charts, outselling well established acts and raising thousands of pounds for the Hospice. We were extremely proud to have been a part of the project and it was a great chance to spend some time with singers from the music scene on the Island. "
Beach Buoys Demo 2012
Now, Simon and his group "The Beach Buoys" is taking on that icon of the 60's surfing scene with their own nod to summer, and I can't wait for the full result. Listen to the cut above, and let me know if you can tell whether it's the Beach Boys or the Beach Buoys. Simon and the gang can hit the high notes that the remaining originals (all eligible for AARP and some for Social Security) cannot.
Can't wait!
You can find Simon all over the net, but specifically here:
Beach Buoys Facebook Page
Thursday, 28 June 2012
The Bald Explorer videos
If I really wanted to make videos from my travels, I'd like them to be like Richard Vobes'. Subscribe to his podcast, The Vobes Show, but more importantly, watch The Bald Explorer!!
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Welcome to Boise
Welcome to Boise... on the Western edge of the Rocky Mountains and the Eastern edge of a very large desert.
This is my town. It can get hot in the summer, and cold in the winter. The leaves change colors in the autumn and the hills are green in the Spring.
I'm writing this for those who have never been to Boise, have never thought about visiting here, and/or when you have gone on vacation to somewhere in the US have gone to either the East or West coast, somewhere with "Disney" in the name, or Las Vegas. Please remember, it's 3500 miles from Seattle, Washington to Key West, Florida.... and it's 3100 miles from San Diego, California to Brunswick, ME. Go ahead, map it yourself... those are the four corners of the mainland America... imagine all the people you've missed in between those four points!!
Case in point: My town of Boise:
This picture is looking towards NNW and you can see the blue and orange of the Boise State Bronco Stadium in the lower right corner. We have a WINNING collegiate football program with the best, and most humble, coach in Coach Chris Peterson.
From his bio on Broncosports:
Success has come at extraordinary levels for Boise State head football coach Chris Petersen during his five years guiding the program. Petersen is the winningest active coach in the Football Bowl Subdivision, boasting a 61-5 record for a winning percentage of .924. The mark is the second-highest amongst active coaches at any four-year institution, regardless of division or association. He is also one of just six coaches nationally to have won multiple Bowl Championship Series games at his current school.
Under “Coach Pete” the Broncos have put together five-consecutive 10-win seasons, in addition to capturing four Western Athletic Conference Championships and winning three bowl games. The Broncos have gone undefeated twice under Petersen – 13-0 in 2006 and 14-0 in 2009 – capping each season with a victory in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl.
Following the 2010 season, Petersen was unanimously selected as the Bobby Dodd Coach of the Year, awarded annually to a coach who represents the highest ideals both on and off the field. He was also recognized in the offseason as having the best Academic Progress Rate (APR) average the past two reporting years for FBS head coaches.
Petersen is also the only individual to win two Paul “Bear” Bryant National Coach of the Year Awards, earning his first after his debut season in 2006 and his second in 2009. Boise State went undefeated during both seasons.
In addition to winning the Bear Bryant award in 2006, Petersen was a finalist for the 2006 Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year Award, a semifinalist for the George Munger Coach of the Year Award and was named the Region 4 Coach of the Year by the American Football Coaches Association. He was a finalist for the Liberty Mutual and Eddie Robinson Awards in 2008, and for the Joseph V. Paterno Award in 2010.
He was also named Western Athletic Conference Coach of the Year in both 2008 and 2009.
Considered one of the most innovative offensive minds in the collegiate coaching ranks, Petersen and his staff have guided an offense that ranks amongst the nation’s best year-in and year-out.
The green swath of trees across the middle of the picture is about 2 miles of the Boise River. In the summer, you can bring or rent innertubes or rafts and float 5 miles of the river from Barber Park to Ann Morrison Park. If you do it right, this can be absolutely free!!! Otherwise, park your car at Ann Morrison park, take the River shuttle to Barber Park (it used to be $1, but may have gone up) and fill up your tubes and rafts with the air hoses then get in the river.
See those hills in the background?? In the summer and fall the hiking, camping, mountain biking, geocaching, hunting, fishing and just about any other outdoor sport is perfect up there. In the winter, downhill and cross country skiing is the sport du jour, but don't let that stop you getting outside for a walk.
Hotels are plentiful, from major chains to boutique hotels of all sizes and price ranges. Boise has a few guest houses and Bed and Breakfasts, and a year or so ago, Boise's first Hostel opened downtown, just a few blocks from the bus station and a block or two from the bus route from the airport, which is only 2.5 miles away.
So, are you intrigued?? Want to see and hear more about the area?? Well, of course you could Google the area, or you can pop over to my podcast page and have a listen. Available on iTunes, you can subscribe with a click on the show picture. The show with the word "podcast" and the picture of the gnome in New Zealand is the Libsyn feed.
You can also go directly to www.boiseandbeyond.libsyn.com and listen there if you don't want to download the shows to a player.
Below is the new graphic for the show...
Sunday, 3 June 2012
I was going through a box of photos this week, looking to see if I had any pictures of my oldest son which we could compare with his new daughter. I did, and she looks just like him at the same age!!
I found these two pictures.
Nik Kershaw and band members. |
I took the picture of Nik Kershaw and his band backstage in Hampton, Virginia sometime between 1984 and 1986. A relative on my step-mother's side was his manager at the time. Whether he still is or not, I'm not sure, though he is still in the management business under the name of Mickey Modern.
Rod Stewart at Los Angeles International Airport |
What celebrity have you seen? Where was it?
Be sure to pop over to the podcast site HERE or subscribe to the show on iTunes... the new Libsyn feed is the one with the Gnome on the picture.
I'm having a contest to see who can guess where I am going on vacation in October 2012. Clues/hints will be given during shows between now and then, and they will get easier as it goes along.
Clue Number One: I am going to a city that I've never been to before. (Not so easy, yet!)
Nik Kershaw,
President Obama,
Rod Stewart,
Sports Illustrated,
treasure hunt,
I Love Air New Zealand... look what they do
Air New Zealand has the best safety videos in the world, if you've never seen them, just do a search for Rico or any of the ANZ videos.
I hope to fly with them again soon.
Monday, 28 May 2012
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
An Enduring Symbol of New York City - Grand Central Terminal
An Enduring Symbol of New York City - Grand Central Terminal
I always have several trips planned so I can daydream at work. NYC is in the works for September 2013. I'm going to make a point of going to Grand Central Station just to see all this for myself. Camera... don't fail me now!! (or then, ok?)
I always have several trips planned so I can daydream at work. NYC is in the works for September 2013. I'm going to make a point of going to Grand Central Station just to see all this for myself. Camera... don't fail me now!! (or then, ok?)
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Friday, 16 March 2012
The Podcast
Hello to all who have and will visit this blog. Just to remind you that my sister blog is full of the shownotes from my podcast "Boise and Beyond", now available on iTunes. There are two, if you search, one with the Mevio shows 1-40, and the new Libsyn feed. The Libsyn feed is the one with the picture of the Gnome.
I'll be uploading Show 44 in the next few days, just doing the editing now.
Let me know what you think.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
30 Minutes You Won't Want Back
I heard about President Obama agreeing to send troops into Uganda several months ago. As Retired Military, all I could think was, "Uganda?? Really? How is our National Defense at risk there?"
I wish this video had been available before the troops were approved to be deployed.
Thank you, President Obama. You listened to the People. Please keep the advisers in Uganda until this criminal despot murderer has been captured.
Is Joseph Kony still alive? Is he still in Uganda? Is he still a force to be reckoned with anymore?
Question with boldness.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Well. I made it to the airport at least.
Hmmm I'm at the Boise airport. If this video works you can see the scores of people here. The winged creature on the floor was spotted in the drinking fountain either bathing or getting a drink but it was too far to take a picture.
My flight to SFO is delayed 40 min, but the counter crew claims I'll be ok as I only have to go from gate 74 to 96. At least I won't have to change terminals. This means I may not have time for the duty free for that gin. Yikes!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Listen to my podcast at boiseandbeyond.libsyn.com.
My flight to SFO is delayed 40 min, but the counter crew claims I'll be ok as I only have to go from gate 74 to 96. At least I won't have to change terminals. This means I may not have time for the duty free for that gin. Yikes!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Listen to my podcast at boiseandbeyond.libsyn.com.
Monday, 6 February 2012
I'm off on travels tomorrow and I'll be getting in flight entertainment. I wonder what the feature film choices will be?
There should be at least 5 to choose from, so is anyone guesses two of the choices on my flight tomorrow (as verified by the in flight magazine) there will be a prize.
Email guesses to boiseandbeyond@gmail.com
Multiple guesses accepted, but only one entry per email.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Listen to my podcast at boiseandbeyond.libsyn.com.
There should be at least 5 to choose from, so is anyone guesses two of the choices on my flight tomorrow (as verified by the in flight magazine) there will be a prize.
Email guesses to boiseandbeyond@gmail.com
Multiple guesses accepted, but only one entry per email.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Listen to my podcast at boiseandbeyond.libsyn.com.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Mevio suspends accounts
Without notice or provocation, Mevio has suspended the accounts of a great many podcasters who have used their free podcast hosting service. Many have used them for over 5 years.
Popular long running shows like allthe Channel Erk shows, Relic Radio (old time radio shows), and the Ourobouros podcast have been affected.
Consequently, we are all having to find new hosts, a service which will upload our mp3 files into iTunes for your listening pleasure. This may take some time for some shows.
In the meantime, subscribe to my Audioboo account (search for Tiggr) and listen there.
I'll post here as soon as I've sorted the host kerfuffle.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Leave a comment here or a voicemail at 1-401-6BOISE6
Popular long running shows like allthe Channel Erk shows, Relic Radio (old time radio shows), and the Ourobouros podcast have been affected.
Consequently, we are all having to find new hosts, a service which will upload our mp3 files into iTunes for your listening pleasure. This may take some time for some shows.
In the meantime, subscribe to my Audioboo account (search for Tiggr) and listen there.
I'll post here as soon as I've sorted the host kerfuffle.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Leave a comment here or a voicemail at 1-401-6BOISE6
Saturday, 21 January 2012
The cat Who Roared

This week we got our first decent snowfall of the winter. Great for the local ski resort, not so great for my yard. My back boundary is at a slight decline from the street, so when the 5+ inches of fluffy whiteness started to melt, it was like living with a moat and no drawbridge.
Early yesterday morning, as the snow continued to melt, I was lying snuggled in my bed, and EVILCAT ( names have been changed to protect the innocent) bit me, a clear indication that he wanted me up for something.
E.C. Jumped off the bed, sniffing at corners of the room, scratching on papers, and generally acting like he needed to "go". I picked him up, prepared to toss him out the back door ( the same door with the cat flap, sheesh).
But, nooooooooo. As I got closer to the door, he started climbing onto y shoulder, claws doing what cat claws do best, and jumped off me, and ran. Ok, so there was an inch of rain water at the back door. I got the message. I needed a litter box and QUICK!!! Grabbing an empty boot box (thank you Columbia boots) and my recycle bag, I shredded enough used envelopes to do the trick, then deposited you-know-who in the box.
Whew... He got the message, but not until I had walked away a few steps and averted my glance. Cats do NOT like to be stared at during delicate acts. Accident averted.
Before heading off to work, I sidetracked to the drug store and picked up a disposable aluminum turkey pan and kitty litter. This I assembled and showed to the cat, hoping he'd get the gist of this shiny new commode.
After work and as soon as I got home, I checked for tell-tail (pun intended) signs of litter usage. Nothing. Not one footprint, not any gravel on the carpet around the pan. On the other paw, no signs that he'd stayed inside the house for a second full day either, if you get my drift...
Fast forward to the next morning.............
No biting to wake me up! I say EC asleep at the foot of my bed- hmmm normal activity. I got up, made my coffee, fed the beasties and went to turn on the puter--- and there it was! The ultimate in kitty appreciation-- a dead rodent! Possibly a short tailed mouse- possibly a baby vole or mole... But definitely a present, delicately placed right where I'd be sure to see it, in front of my computer chair. Awwwwwww
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Leave a comment!
Location: Boise, United States
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